A Short One | Quick Tip #1

I created a very simple, very inexpensive, painting jig to assist with the spraying of rolling stock.

I started with a lazy-susan I found at a local dollar store, Daiso Japan. I can't remember the cost, but it was only a few dollars. I drilled a couple of holes 2" apart, to line up with the center of the trucks on 36' box cars, and added an additional hole to line up with the trucks of a 40' box car. As needed, additional holes can be added to accommodate other cars. The holes are just big enough to pressure fit a toothpick into them, which also fits snugly in the truck mounting holes of the box car kit pictured.

After painting one side of the car, you simply rotate the base to the next side. The car is secure enough that the base can be moved around without the car falling off, allowing you to move the project out of the way to dry. Perhaps not as robust as this one, but it works, and is made out of things I had on-hand already.

Very simple, very inexpensive.


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