The northern end of the PVCRR, Watsonville, was home to the original sugar beet factory and engine servicing facilities. By the 1920s, the sugar factory and engine house were gone. There was still a large freight house, used by both the Southern Pacific and the Pajaro Valley Consolidated RR (my prototype), as well as a turntable. Watsonville, Ca, as it appeared on the 1908 Sanborn Insurance map As modeled in my basement, the railroad runs from the Spreckels Refinery north to Moss Landing. I had wanted to model the freight house and engine services in Watsonville, however, I ran out of space. In its place, I decided that a small bit of staging would suffice. The prototype track arrangement was simple enough to duplicate, a mainline, a passing siding with a large freight house, and a turntable, made up the bulk of the trackwork as it appeared in the 1920s. In planning my staging yard, I struggled to break away from the prototype layout (it worked then, it’d work now). Over the years, my ...